Friday, August 15, 2008


The past is always a source of inspiration.If you're ever bored at home, nothing better than flicking through old photo albums. You'll see all the clothes you'd die for, all the changes in the city that should have never happened, all the cute small cars nowadays replaced by modern spaceship-like ones...

A bit nostalgic, isn't it?

All pictures: Carla's mum


maba said...

hola! os he visto saludando en algún post..y me he pasado...

teneis un blog encanta!! os añado sin duda!! y haceis unas fotos muy, muy bonitas!!!

muchos besos!

cloe said...

Hola, me gusta vuestro blog!!
Las fotos de este post son muy bonitas, y la ropa me la pondría ahora mismo!! Me encanta el segundo look!!

TED said...

love it!

Anonymous said...

charo rules of course